Die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder
C.F./P.IVA: IT03244250167
Indirizzo Sede Produttiva: via Baccanello, 7 - 24030 Terno d’Isola BG
Telefono: (+39) 035 905657
Dati di contatto del Responsabile per la protezione dei dati (DPO):
In order to carry out our activities, we use multiple information systems. In some cases, the Company records your data from your requests/registrations on our website.
The personal data that the Company usually uses shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
The Company collects and processes your personal data:
The law provides that there shall be a reason stated in the legislation itself for the processing of your personal data at our disposal.
The processing of information of personal data from our side is based on processing reasons such as necessary processing of the legitimate interests of MoxMec SRL in exercising our fundamental rights and those of the Company staff to manage an activity so that it does not unduly jeopardise your interests or rights and fundamental freedoms. Where the processing of data is needed for the legitimate interests of MoxMec SRL, we ensure that the same is carried out so that our legitimate interests shall have priority respect than any other interest of individual. We can process personal data for different reasons respect those above mentioned only with your permission (further reason for processing).
You are not obliged to provide us with your personal data, but if you do not, this practically makes impossible for us to send you whichever communication, concerning a purchase, a novelty, or changes and information about our Company.
The data could be shared with natural persons, authorised by the controller of personal data under article 29 GDPR on account of the performing of their business duties (for example, employees, system administrators, etc.); service providers (as consultants, credit institutions, etc..), who typically act as responsible for processing under article 28 of the Regulation; our customers that could require in the area of business information services; where required by subjects, entities or authorities to whom communicate data is compulsory on the basis of legal provisions or orders of authorities.
As far as the possible data transfer towards Countries outside the European Economic Area is concerned, the Controller shall make public that the processing will be carried out according to one of the modalities allowed by the existing law, such as the adoption of Standard Clauses approved by the European Commission, the selection of subjects members of international programmes for the free movement of data (e.g. EU-USA Privacy Shield) or operating in Countries considered secure by the European Commission. It is possible to have more information, upon request, from the Controller to the following address:
The data will be stored only for the time needed for the purposes for which they are collected, respecting the principle of data minimisation under article 5, subparagraph 1, letter c) of the GDPR. In any case, the data will be stored within the temporal limits laid down by Code of conduct and good behaviour for processing personal data carried out for purposes of commercial information - Annex A.7 al D.Lgs.196/2003). Further information available at the Controller.
The data may be processed, on behalf of the owner, by third parties designated as responsible of the processing. They perform specific activities on behalf of the owner, for example accounting, tax and insurance requirements, correspondence, management of profits and payments, etc.
The data may be disclosed to third parties operating as data controllers, for example, supervisory authorities and control bodies and in general public or private subjects entitled to request data such as Revenue Agency and / or “Guardia di Finanza”, or Banking Institutions to obtain credit lines.
Right to modify your personal information
In case that you are able to prove that the personal information that we have are not accurate, you can ask us to update these information or to eliminate them.
Right to delete all your information
In some circumstances you are entitled to request a limitation of the processing of personal data and / or delete them. You can provide your request at any time and MoxMec S.p.A. will evaluate the possibility to accept it, however this right depends on the rights and legal obligations so we could retain it. In case that your request can be accepted in accordance with the law, MoxMec will immediately delete them without unjustifiable delays. We remind that once the data are cancelled, the company will not be useful due to the fact that it does not have information about you. If you will desire to register again you have to fill in again all your data.
Right to contest
Although the processing of your data by the company is based on the legitimate interest of this latter (and no other processing reasons) or is related to the direct sales, you have right to contest the way of processing the personal data used by the company related to your specific situation.
If you desire to apply your own rights, you can contact us via e-mail at the following e-mail address
When you send an e-mail to exercise your rights, you may be asked to provide your identification before going on with the request.
Finally, you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority of the country where you live or where you believe that the problem related to your data is generated.
For any questions or doubts about this Policy, you want to receive further information about our way to protect your personal information and / or if you desire to contact the Responsible for the data protection and the responsible for the privacy, we kindly ask you to send us an e-mail at the following e-mail address
The terms in this Policy could be modified from time to time. In case, we will communicate you any relevant modification to this Policy by means of the available means of communication. Currently rectified according to the regulations GDPR 2016/679 of the European Union.